Magento 2 is heavily using Knockout Js on frontend. You can find Knockout in Magento 2 on almost every page. For example in : on minicart vendor\magento\module-checkout\view\frontend\templates\cart\minicart.phtml <div id=”minicart-content-wrapper” data-bind=”scope: ‘minicart_content'”> <!– ko template: getTemplate() –><!– /ko –> </div> To understand how it works, I created a simple module Magento 2 Knockout…

Update: I recommend to use Gulp instead of Grunt and use SASS instead of Less. Magento 2 will move from LESS to SASS from Alan Kent When you’re creating a new theme or adjusting current theme, to see a new change you have three options : Frontend Developer Workflow References : Simple…

Magento 2 How to create custom query that is the question sometime is popped up on your head. Here is how I create my own custom queries in Magento 2. Currently, I figured out two ways : 1/ Take advantage of using Magento Resource Connection. $themeId=3; $this->_resources = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance() ->get(‘Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection’); $connection= $this->_resources->getConnection(); $select…

Logging variables or custom messages to a custom file are usually used in every development of building websites. In Magento 1, it was common to segment logs into different files (to separate logs for 3rd party extensions etc.). That’s as easy as changing the $file parameter of Mage::log. But in magento…

Goal: After reading this tutorial Magento 2 How to get all xml loaded tree , you can output any layout xml file of any page in magento 2. Sometime you have a desire to print all xml loaded tree to check whether your custom xml handles are loaded or not ?…
Magento 2 Learning Resources are listed as below : Official Magento 2 Developer Docs: Alan Kent’s Blog: Alan Storm’s Blog, Magento 2 category: Karen Baker’s Blog, Magento 2 articles: MageClass, Magento2 tutorials, screencasts and up to date news: FireBear Studio blog, collection of tutorials and…
There is official documentation. This guide assumes you already have a functioning LAMP-stack with the minimum Magento 2 requirements (5.4X<=PHP<=5.5.X & >= MySQL 5.6.X). There are five steps to complete install magento 2 on window : 1. Install Composer on Window Download and run Composer-Setup.exe – it will install the…
Latest update: You can check and download my new sample extension at here : Thienphucvx_sample It includes: – Work well with latest magento 2 version. – Setup and install sample data for simple blog database – Sending a request and create new blog post. – It also includes cache tags…